I'm Jinjee. Thank you for visiting my new blog where I will publish thoughts on all kinds of things!
A bit about me - I recently turned 40, and have five children. Raven, my oldest is 13, and Yarrow, my youngest was born two months ago! Jome is 10, Shale is 6, and Adagio is 3. We had home births with all the children and we home-school and work from home too! I guess we are home bodies for real!
You can meet me and my family at my family biz website at The Garden Diet. This site is like my Garden, and I putter around there quite often. The one thing I do every day is send out a newsletter called "The Daily Raw Inspiration" to 14,000 people who are interested in the raw vegan diet.
My family and I also operate several other websites including a nonprofit organization doing a campaign called "Take A Fruit Break" to raise funds for airing clever and exciting fruit commercials on national TV, Pear Magazine, the online magazine of fresh organic lifestyles, and The Natural Paradigms Channel where we put up films that we produce about raw foods, the environment, and other interesting things.
Inside and aside from my work I am a writer, musician, homeschooling mother, and a dreamer with interests in raw food, hiking in nature, quantum physics, manifesting, creating peace, health and healing, philanthropy, innovating, creativity, and living a happy life!
My dreams are to make a truly inspiring film, to make music that uplifts the vibration of the planet, to be a billionaire philanthropist, to become an ever more loving person, to live to be 140 years old and gorgeous, and to raise my children to be happy and good!
I hope you'll enjoy my blog, share any of my ideas/writings freely (with credit and a link back ideally!), start up some lively conversations in the comments section, and come back and visit often!
I'm looking forward to trading links with other like minded, interesting and inspiring bloggers!
Be Well!
Hi Jinjee,
Thank you for all your raw inspiration! In reading your websites and this new blog, I have been struck and inspired most by how free you seem to be to create new ideas and manifest them.
I too have been thinking a lot lately about the Law of Attraction. And how powerful it would really be if we used it to manifest worldwide peace, health, justice, and the healing of the earth. For helping others, not just ourselves.
I can't believe how much we have in common- I also unschool my three children, am a musician, and would like to be much more raw. We are just finishing up with building a strawbale house and we are off the grid in N. CA.
Keep going till 140!
Thank You
cAw Jinjee, you're a force- its unbelievable how much living you do! Just please don't limit yourself to 140 because I want to know you and have you around to inspire me and others forever! LOL
Shannon Leone
Hi Jinjee...1st lemme congratulate u for everything u r doing to support and inspire others to follow the same ideology..God bless u and ur family..:))
Hi Jinjee! I got to know about you on The Garden Diet when I was searching for inspiration on my raw journey. I've subscribed to your newsletter but found that not enough to satisfy my craving to tune in to your obviously higher vibration. I'm now on fruitarian diet but still experiencing uncomfortable detox reaction. I'm happy you now started this blog where I can get to know more about the ways of one who has long embraced a truly natural lifestyle. Thank you very much for the inspiration.
Hi Jinjee,
I'm glad to see your new blog, and I will be visiting often. Also, a belated Happy Big 4-0 to ya!!! You look ten years younger! I can't believe it seems like just yesterday I was turning 40, but they were right when they said 'Life Begins At 40'... it really does!
This evening, I just put up a blog too, and I started off with a post about the importance of fresh air which so many people deprive themselves of. But I also want to post links to your sites, and others with raw food recipes, info, and stuff.
Thanks for letting me know about your blog. :)
Yay!! I'm so glad you started this blog! I look forward to reading more soon!
thank you for this blog and all the amazing energy you put out there.i am in the process of going raw and find your words inspiring.thank you in bliss ~*~
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